Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Why a Marketing Internship is Right for Me

Why a Marketing Internship is Right for Me
Within the past two years, I have been 150% focused on my advertising degree. In recent weeks, I come across an internship for a  marketing position. I know that advertising and marketing work hand in hand, but I never really considered what I could do with a marketing job. I started to do more research and now I have a better feel for what marketing positions do. Check this out for some expert advice: 
When interviewing for a marketing position, be prepared to answer these 3 questions.
  1. What is the difference between marketing and sales?
  2. How would you contribute if you were temporarly assigned to a sales group? 
  3. Tell me about your personal brand.
And please... DO NOT WING IT! the "winger" never wins! Good Luck.

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